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JoJo's Bizarre OC Tournament #5: Round 3 Match 8 - Funk Odyssey vs Klein Bras-Cheche Heitsugi

The results are in for Match 6.
Seido Shuto was having the time of his life.
Kamen Rider Volt, and that kid who had clearly summoned him there, had proven not just a roadblock, a means to kill time until his target passed by, but truly exceptional opponents, among the rare sorts who would attempt to take him on directly rather than simply avoiding him, and in turn, atop Barrier Bridge, he would answer with everything he’d had, the grin of the trigger-happy hitman hardly having a chance to leave his face.
Taking down worthy targets like this… Yes! This is why I rose from the dead! This is why I came to this city! Show me now, Volt! Show me what sort of man you are!
“Alright partner, I’ve got one last trick up my sleeve.” Volt passed Ani his spare treads, before hopping on the railing.
“I hope y’know what yer doing…” Ani hopped on the rail across from him, and in what was supposed to be totally safe, but was now a last-ditch, desperate effort by the skin of their teeth, they barreled at Seido.
Ani was attempting to continue to play his supporting part and staying close as Volt, in turn, stepped up onto the railings close by Seido, attempting to fire volleys of quarters and other bits of metal at him. They had prepared on the spot, thought that they had cornered the man who they had managed to injure once already and force to retreat.
Sure, they had a lot less ants than they’d expected to work with, and Ani was starting to feel the burn of keeping up, but he wouldn’t hold this back! The two of them had all but won now, surely, and they would be standing by the end!
Volt had noticed it slightly sooner, an instant more, that it wasn’t just the rush of battle which had put a grin on their opponent’s face. That they hadn’t cornered him at all, but been funneled.
Seido vanished, then, and appeared beneath and behind them, firing a Galaxy Bullet towards Ani in midair. It was too late for him to course correct, and his lightning strikes had hit empty space.
“Wh-” Ani blinked. “He just-”
“Ani…” Volt answered, solemn through his dinged-up helmet. “Live. When you walk the path of a dead man… You lose so, so much.”
He was confused, but before he could get an explanation, Ani found himself feeling a force surging through him, all that Volt could do in the moment to shove him far and away as fast as possible, force his momentum towards the side of the bridge where, while hurting, he wouldn’t be getting what Seido had quietly called ‘Singularity.’
Where before, two riders had been in the air, now one was pelted from all sides, all angles, by all number of projectiles, which began to thin and thin, concentrate and concentrate more around him with shot after shot. His suit had begun to crumble, and a final blow sent him careening off the bridge, Ani able to do little but watch, reach out, and dare not to call and waste this effort to risk his life to save his own.
N… No… No way… Volt, I brought you here! You’re not the one who should be…
Seido Shuto sat back, then, nursing his wounds with a content look on his face as he awaited the sound of a worthy opponent hitting the water. Before he could truly confirm this kill, however, he looked out to the traffic of the Barrier Bridge, where a small fleet of armored unmarked vans were steering through traffic.
“Never a break in Los Fortuna, I suppose… Thank you, both of you, for the best fight I’ve had since that day in those mountains.” He stood, then, preparing to fire off another Wormhole bullet. Sure, neither foe was close enough to hear them, if they were alive, but it was the thought that counted, right? “Time to do my job.”
The winner is Seido Shuto, with a score of 74 to Players’ 67!
Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity Tie 15-15 Though it seemed that things would close on a four point lead for Seido with a last minute vote, an even more last minute vote evened things out to a 4.4-4.4 votes overall (Solely for this gag, a single tie vote counts for .2 less collectively this once).
Quality Seido Shuto 25-21 Reasoning
JoJolity Seido Shuto 24-21 Reasoning
Conduct Tie 10-10
Rushen Smith’s luck was just the worst.
He’d already been on the bridge by the time that shots fired on its far end was heard, and of course, traffic going West across the bridge was congested as hell enough that it was literally probably going to be safer to risk it and push through, to not allow civilians to get mixed up in this.
Of course, ‘safer’ being the bitterly relative term it presently was, it wasn’t enough to stop his driver from being struck, from several other members of the vehicular fleet that was supposed to bring this lot to justice suddenly finding their cars struck just right and veering into one another in crashes.
Elle Mortis was shielding the bullet-struck company head and trying her damnedest to dole out first aid, stammeringly commanding those VALKYRIE agents not among the four dead and many other injured en masse to try and take even a semblance of control over the situation. Rushen would live, recover fully even, but he’d taken a bizarre sort of bullet for her and spared her the same fate as she crawled out of the wreckage of her own vehicle.
Toby Fox, the man they had just apprehended, was escorted out of Rushen’s van by a manic-looking sniper, who had been sweating and breathing heavily as though he’d just had a hell of a fight to get there, and chatted him up like nothing was the matter. A small number of other wealthy ED staples had also managed to escape their confinement, though a majority, it seemed, had been dazed by the crashes.
“I take it Tigran sent for you…” Fox smiled, rubbing at his own neck. “I don’t know where I would be without him… Thank you, Seido, dearly.” He looked around, then. “Quite a destructive rescue, if I might comment…”
“He didn’t say anything about the rest,” Seido answered, grabbing onto his arm quickly, “anyway, we don’t have time to linger and help them all… We’re in the middle of a pincer attack from McBaise and his guys now. Wouldn’t be surprised if he was Mr. Sins’ contact…”
“That… Sounds like him, yes,” Fox answered, casually tossing up chunks of road to block Elle’s attempt to fire her weapon at him until the chamber clicked uselessly. “We don’t have time for this. Those of you conscious who don’t want to be dead or rotting in Red Clay, be quiet and grab on. With this little distraction passed… We can finally get back to what we’re best at.”
As two moderate-sized squads of men in dark armor closed in, Seido, Fox, and half a dozen highrollers vanished with a final firing of the former-most’s rifle.
Villainy has triumphed over justice and slipped away into the underground of the city, on the day of Los Fortuna’s founding of all times. Elsewhere, meanwhile, a commemoration of the day is now a gamer’s platform to turn a massive information leak into a competitive public spectacle between a jaguar and an artist.
Klein Heitsugi’s apartment, Waterfront District (the small island between North Island and the Slums), 00:23 AM
Klein Heitsugi’s apartment was a modest place. As opposed to the rooms in the Eighth Circle which he spent so much time going through while working there, it wasn’t lavishly decorated, though that didn’t mean it was bad in any way - a bulletin board of pictures, a golden shield given to him by a coworker’s stand, and the usual furnishing one would expect were all that were really needed to make the apartment ‘his’.
Lying on his bed, Klein wondered how much longer the apartment would last. From what he’d heard, it seemed like the city of Los Fortuna was going to be destroyed somehow at some point in the future, alongside everyone within it. It wasn’t exactly a very uplifting thing to think about, but Klein had gone through similar (and worse) situations in the past. Really, he had a slightly hard time believing he’d even managed to live this long, and since he had already done it once, would getting over another death curse be that hard? Well, maybe, but at least he sort of knew what to expect by now, so he’d just have to take it step by step.
The first step, of course, was better understanding the situation. He’d done his due diligence and already gone out of his way to hold discussions with at least one individual of note, Byron Oxbow of the Industrial District, but he’d been meaning to seek out more. Meanwhile… he had one more thing in mind, at least.
“Being So Normal”, the reality show documenting the lives, experiences, and fights of many stands users within Los Fortuna, had already gone live within the city, but was gearing up for a worldwide release very soon - in order to build up hype, they were hosting a livestreamed event documenting a few “matches” held for the show, and were looking for stand users to sign up for and participate in them.
Despite having mixed thoughts on it all, especially surrounding the show’s host, Cairo Satori, it’d be a good opportunity for Klein - at the very least, he’d be able to talk with whoever else came there, and he knew he could probably find Cairo and talk with them a bit - he had conflicted feelings about them, but that was all the more reason to better understand their view on the current situation and see what he could learn from them. Too many of their interactions were wrapped up in different contexts, this would be a solid chance to get to the bottom of things.
Klein had already signed up for the event, though what exactly he’d be doing there still remained a mystery to him.
Well, he’d find out soon enough.
A warehouse-turned-studio by the edge of Agora Row, the next day, 1:52 PM
Funk Odyssey parked her motorcycle in a nearby lot, taking a look at the area around her. This part of Agora Row was just by the A-D, and it definitely showed - the building were just that bit smaller, and it was definitely quieter than the regular hustle and bustle of the district’s shopping malls. Still, she came here for a reason.
Standing in front of the entrance to the warehouse where she was supposed to go, Funk took a deep breath. She had mixed feelings about doing this, but… Peter had asked her to. Apparently he’d been doing some digging into Being So Normal alongside some other stand users in the area, following the time when she, Peter, and two other stand users had to save Cairo from two vengeful maniacs seeking to get revenge on them.
Funk… didn't like thinking about that. At all. She was rash, reckless, and regardless of how angry she was… she ended up killing someone who didn’t even deserve it. On one hand, that whole situation was in part Cairo’s fault - they were reckless, and keep on being reckless to this day, and others end up suffering for it. Then again, Funk knew that at the end of the day, she couldn’t push all of the blame onto someone else.
Since that day, she’d barely gone out of her team’s base, only leaving a few weeks before to go on an expedition to hunt down and capture a dangerous beast in the city’s waterfront district. Other than that… she left every once in a while to keep her bike functioning, and she’s been going out more recently, but she was in somewhat of a funk, one could say.
Whatever. She had to do this, for Peter, at least - he’d given her some sort of “broadcaster” to keep on her person, and apparently her being here in person with it would help with what he had planned, so she had to do this. Funk took a deep breath, and entered the warehouse.
It didn’t take long for Klein to reach the area as well, and soon after, he was assigned an event to participate in “stand fencing” (“Handpicked by our crew to fit your skills best!”, as the clerk made sure to mention), and was ushered into a waiting area set up at the edge of the warehouse, to the side of the main “studio” - cameras and set lights littered the area, but it seemed somewhat barren - all of the cameras that were set up simply pointed towards the center of the warehouse, which had nothing much in it. He could see various crew members running around the area, setting up equipment… were they going to bring more stuff over soon?
Well, whatever - these were professionals, and they probably knew what they were doing. He then turned his attention to the rest of the stand users that had arrived in order to participate in the event - some were looking around the area, figuring out what to do, while some simply sat on some fold-up chairs in the seating area, waiting for… whatever was going to happen, all dressed in various odd and bizarre ways. Of note among them, was a somewhat familiar face, or, more accurately, a familiar suit - though he hadn’t actually seen it for himself, and had only really met its wearer once almost half a year ago, during Los Fortuna’s pride parade, Max had told him about the beetle-themed kamen rider suit Funk Oddysey often wore, and looking at it, Klein could certainly see the appeal.
Before Klein could do much more, a voice came in through the speakers, indicating that it was time for the events to start. “Attention! We’re starting filming on the first event, so any stand users not involved in “Extreme Hot Potato” please go to the seating area and refrain from interfering with filming!”
‘Extreme Hot Potato?’ Well, that sounded… extreme. Klein wasn’t sure what to expect, but he figured that he’d find out very soon. A few stand users shuffled over to the stage, as Klein and the rest of the stand users that weren’t up yet made their way towards the sitting area, Klein went over and sat down near Funk. At the very least, he could probably talk with her a bit. Turning to her, he gave a slight wave, before speaking.
“Hey, you’re Funk Odyssey, right? I’m Klein - saw you during the pride parade a while back, and I think Max should have probably told you a bit about me? I would hope so, heh.” Looking at her, Klein realized that he couldn’t actually see what her expression was past the suit. “Cool suit, by the way.” he quickly added, waiting for a response.
“Oh, yeah - Klein, I remember you! Max mentioned you a couple times too, so you’ve got nothing to worry about there.” Funk responded, turning to face him. “So, you’re here to participate too? What event did you get?”
“Well, I wouldn’t be here if that wasn’t the case, you know. I’m here for “stand fencing” apparently, whatever that is. Don’t do much proper fencing, but I think I’ll be able to handle myself.”
“Oh, hey - same here! Guess we’re up against each other, then? Maybe there’s someone else involved, but I haven’t ever heard of fencing with more than two people, so...”
Before Klein could respond, the lights dimmed, and the familiar voice of Cairo Satori rang through the warehouse. In an instant, the dingy set seemed to have transformed entirely, the warehouse becoming pristine, various props suddenly appearing around the set, and at the center of it all… was a bomb. A fake one, Klein had hoped, but a bomb nonetheless. Probably the “hot potato” being passed around, then.
Klein furrowed his brows, trying to figure out what kind of stand ability did all of this, before Funk stepped in to explain. “They’ve got a person on crew that handles illusions. Most of the filming too, apparently. This is probably because of her.” Klein gave a slight nod, opening his mouth to speak before seeing a large light turn on, focused on a figure on the other end of the warehouse - Cairo Satori.
Being So Normal’s host walked over to the center of the room, giving their usual spiel about stand users and the show, before explaining the basics of the game, introducing the contestants, and opening the game. Neither Klein nor Funk didn’t paid much attention to it, as the two made some small talk about this and that, but as the game of extreme hot potato went on, they did find themselves getting drawn to it somewhat - in a matter of minutes, a game of tossing around a fake bomb turned into pure chaos, with the amount of participants and bombs having somehow multiplied many times over due to clones, stands beating the shit out of each other, and all of it being followed live by Cairo’s narration praising the tactical quick thinking and finesse on display. By the time the “bomb” did inevitably explode and end the game, Klein and Funk found themselves unconsciously leaning forwards in their seats, getting as close to the action as possible.
“Alright, and that’s that for Extreme Hot Potato! We’ll come right back to you with the next game, “Stand Fencing”, after a quick 10 minute break - in the meantime, stay tuned for a word from our sponsors!”
And with that, the first game was over, and Klein and Funk knew they were up next.
Ten minutes later, and the arena was properly cleaned from the mess of the previous “match”, meaning that the next match was set to start very soon. Klein was already at the arena, having been given a fake sword to use for the bout. Funk, meanwhile, wasn’t there. The lights dimmed, turning the warehouse pitch-black, if only for a moment before Cairo Satori made their entrance again.
“Welcome back to our second match for this live event! This time…. stand fencing! Our first contestant for the day is Klein Heitsugi! Some of you might have seen him already around Los Fortuna, but if you haven’t, you’re sure as hell not going to forget him after you see what he can do!”
A round of fake applause played over the loudspeakers as light shone down on Klein, and Cairo made their way over, continuing.
”Going up against him… like jousting matches from ages ago, we’ve got a knight in shining armor on an equally shining steed - Funk Odyssey!”
The noise of a bike engine roared through the warehouse, crew members and stand users alike looking around nervously before Funk blasted into the room, speeding towards Klein and Cairo before skidding to a halt and taking her position as the fake applause roared.
”Now that we’ve got our contestants introduced… let’s go over the rules! First, let’s turn on the lights!”
As Cairo shouted that out, the lights seemed to flicker back on, and the boring warehouse seemed to shift once more, though this time far more drastically - in fact, to the viewers, Funk, and Klein, it seemed as if they had been teleported somewhere else entirely! No hint of stage crew, any audience, or anything else! Instead, they were situated on some kind of circular platform, standing on a marble floor, high in the air! Neither of them was close enough to the edge to see what was underneath it, and small stone walls seemed to close it off, but the illusion was shockingly real.
”Cool, right? And the rules here are simple! First, like actual fencing, you’ll be trying to stab your opponents with that sword we've given you - any hit counts, so long as you hit with the edge of the blade specifically! However, getting a hit in doesn’t mean you win it all - this match goes to whoever can win five rounds in total! Each round is decided by who gets a hit in, and between every round, you’re getting 20 seconds to rest and return to your starting positions!”
”Other than that… well, you’ve got your stands to keep things interesting! Really go all out with it! Everything’s allowed, aside from hurting your opponents or messing with either of the swords! Other than that? Go wild, and make the most of what you’ve got! Got it?”
Funk and Klein nodded. It seemed simple enough to them...
Below the rising musical cues meant to time out each part of the explanation and as the focus was on the stage as a whole, the host took a moment to turn and make sure their contestants were really alright and ready for this. A softer and more genuine smile in response to that confirmation ended as suddenly as the aside began, and attention snapped back to the loud and bombastic lead-in.
“Alright, then...” Cairo’s voice started ramping up, just as they started vanishing into a puff of smoke, hidden by another illusion…
(Credit to CaptainSpooky27 for yet more awesome match art!)
Location: A warehouse that is the current venue for the live event being hosted for Being So Normal. Here is a visualization of the area here.
The purple circle is the stage platform about 1.5 meters off the ground and the ground itself is a smooth concrete floor. The full area for this exhibition is 48 by 48 meters, each tile is 4 by 4 meters, and the players start 32 meters away from each other with Funk on the left and Klein on the right.
Each player has been given a fencing foil, a thin flexible sword used for standard fencing. Despite their thin and flexible nature, these swords are surprisingly durable and highly resistant to breaking or snapping.
The players have also been given full fencing gear such as helmets and protective clothing they are to wear at all times in this match. These should not negatively impact the players in any way and only serve to help them not get accidentally hurt while fencing.
There is an off-screen referee that keeps track of all points and will call any fouls/restarts as needed.
Funk starts the match on her bike. And Cairo will provide a new one to replace the current one between rounds if Funk asks.
Both players have a Fencing 2 skill for the purposes of this match on top of their normal skills.
Goal: Beat your opponent in a first to 5 fencing match!
Additional Information:
General Rules of Cairo’s Fencing
To score a point in this match, you must land a hit on your opponent with the tip of your sword, hitting with the middle of the blade does not count. But glancing hits with the tip of the sword do count. A hit on the opponent’s stand body can count, but not stand constructs.
After a point is scored, the players will reset to their original position they had at the start of the match. After 20 seconds, the referee will finish counting down and the next round of the match will start.
During the downtime between rounds of fencing, anything destroyed or created during the round will stay, however players are not allowed to use their stand abilities in the time between rounds.
In the event that a person’s starting position is compromised, both player positions will be shifted clockwise around the stage until both new positions seem suitable while still maintaining the 32 meter starting distance. Follow the dotted guideline on the map basically.
In the event that the stage is totally compromised, players will have their starting locations moved outward to the ground, upping the distance between the players to 40-so meters.
Damaging and/or using abilities on your opponent’s sword or gear is strictly forbidden. This includes Funk’s bike, but indirectly damaging this is allowed with, such as by using stand-made hazards.
Harming or using your stand on the opponent is also forbidden.
Bodily contact between people or stand bodies and intentional contact with your opponent’s sword with your body is a foul (say trying to grab the opponent’s sword in your hand or blocking with an arm).
A foul causes a restart of the round, and after the second and subsequent fouls a point is awarded to the victim party if the other was clearly at fault.
In the event that swords or gear gets damaged, they will be replaced at the start of the next round.
Team Combatant JoJolity
Baker Street Rat Pack Funk Odyssey “The gun is mightier than the sword. Man, talk about a memorable quote.” Riding around on this simple flat arena is fine, but it’s not as fun as it could be, and you’re here to (among other things) put on a show! Make the most of both of your acts to terraform and reshape the arena as the match goes on in ways that benefit you!
Judecca Highrollers Klein Bras-Cheche Heitsugi “I can do more than just pass through them! I can cut the pillars themselves in half too!” Cairo told you to make the most of what you’ve got, and with all that your KOAN Sound can do, you can surely spruce this arena up quite a bit! Make the most of both of your acts to terraform and reshape the arena as the match goes on in ways that benefit you!
Link to the Official Player Spreadsheet
Link to Match Schedule
As always, if you would like to interact with the tournament community and be among the first to get updates for the tournament, please feel free to PM a member of our Judge staff for an invite to our Official Discord Server!
submitted by boredCommentator to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

Aubrey Route (Part 1?) (Writing) (AU)

Miss Smith, mother of Sunny Smith, was furiously rifling through her purse as she parked her car on the side of the road. Her breathing fast and uneven as she tried to stave off a minor panic attack.
She had messed up. She had thought that she had everything under control, but her memory had slipped and now she had to find a way to solve the issue while keeping the obligations of her job.
It was something that should have been minor, something that any family would have been able to normally deal with, but her family of two was no longer normal. She had forgotten to restock the groceries, and she would be gone for the next few days, leaving her son alone with almost no food. Her son that seemed incapable of leaving the house.
She breathes a quick sigh of relief as she grips her cellphone tightly in her hands. Frantically proceeding to unlock it and tap to her contacts list.
"C'mon, c'mon, pick up!" She chants as the call tone begins.
However, in her haste, she doesn't realize that instead of hitting the contact number for Kel and Hero's parents she hit the number for someone else.
Aubrey's mother.
At first, Aubrey doesn't quite realize what the sound is. She thinks that it's just noise from outside or something from the television.
However, after turning off the television so she could hear more clearly, she realizes that the noise is coming from her mother's cellphone on the counter. She briefly looks between it, and the direction of her mother's room.
She sighs, walking over to the offending object and picking it up, debating what exactly to do.
In all likelihood, it was just some telemarketer or some political call. Her mom didn't get many friendly calls lately. Though, there was still the small possibility that it was an important call that shouldn't go to voicemail. But, if she woke up her mom from her nap and it turned out that it was just some junk call then Aubrey knew she would get in trouble.
So, that meant the safest course of action was for her to simply answer it.
"I- Aubrey? Is that you?" The voice sounds surprised to hear her.
Aubrey blinks in equal surprise, immediately jerked out of her expectations of a junk call as Sunny's mother spoke through the other end in what seemed to be a panic. "Misses-" No, not misses Aubrey reminds herself. "Miss Smith?"
"Could you pass a message to Kel's mother and father since you're at their house?"
She scrunched her forehead at that. "Um, this my mom's cellphone."
"What!? Oh, damn*, I must have clicked the wrong contact.*" The older woman sighs. "Listen, Aubrey, I-I have to get back to driving as soon as I can so I need you to take a message to Kel's parents for me, can you do that?"
Aubrey nodded, then stopped when she realized that Sunny's mother could not actually see her. "Uhhh, yeah, sure. Lemme get a pen..."
Luckily, there was a scattered pile of sticky notes and a pen nearby on the counter.
"Okay, tell them I need them to buy food for Sunny, enough for about three days or so-"
Aubrey pauses. "Huh? Can't Sunny do that?" He's sixteen just like her, so Aubrey wondered why he wouldn't be able to do so. He was just a shut-in, he should be capable of doing something that simple.
"Aubrey please*," Miss Smith's voice sounded pleading. "Just- Just tell them that there's a spare key taped under the welcome mat-" A little stereotypical, Aubrey thought. "-and there's some emergency cash in the picnic basket in my room.*"
Aubrey frowned as a bygone memory of happier days flashed through her mind. "Alright, I'll be sure to tell them-"
"Make sure they just get ready-to-eat meals or things that are easy, like milk and cereal. Don't get anything that needs to be in the oven for more than twenty minutes." She continued. "That- That should be it, did you get everything?"
"Yep." Aubrey said with an audible pop when she reached the p. She idly twirled the pen as she finished writing the important bits. "I'll be sure to tell em'."
"Oh, thank you so mu- Oh no it's that time already!? I'm gonna be late!"
Click. Beep. Beep.
With that, Aubrey was met with a dial tone as Sunny's mother hung up. She stared at her mother's cellphone for a few seconds before clicking it shut and putting it back into the purse.
"Alright... just gotta talk to Kel's mom and dad..." She said to herself.
She pursed her lips. "Although... I don't really have any plans right now." And it would be nice to get a reason to leave the house, she mentally added.
Things were awkward with Kel right now, and she wasn't sure she wanted to risk him being at home when she went over. Plus... it would give her an excuse to see what Sunny was doing. She hadn't seen him in years.
"Key under the mat, spare money in the picnic basket. Easy food, nothing that has to cook for too long..." She wasn't really sure why that last stipulation was there. Sunny helped Hero cook a few times, they all did, so it wasn't as if he was illiterate in the kitchen.
"...I'm sure I can handle it." She nods to herself, stuffing the note she wrote into her pocket. Surely Sunny's mother wouldn't mind, right?
She's hit with a lot of mixed feelings as she enters Sunny's house for the first time in four years. Nostalgia being the foremost of them, followed by melancholy and longing.
The first thing she notices is the absence of the large, gilded family portrait that used to hang by the chimney and greet anyone who entered through the front door. The entire atmosphere of the entrance room seemed to shift completely now that the smiling faces of the Smith family were absent. It was a grim reminder about how much had really changed these past four years.
In general, the house looked and felt a lot less lived in as she wandered through the rooms on the bottom floor. Several items seemed to have a thin layer of dust, been packed into boxes, or shuffled into the large storage room by the stairs. This was no longer a house of four with two children, and the three friends who frequently visited. It was the house of a working mother and her shut-in son.
For a moment, she pauses in front of the door to the backyard, before shaking her head. She couldn't get caught up with that, she always had the church.
A quick check of the fridge shows that it was pretty much cleaned out aside from a couple of eggs, a near-empty jug of milk, a half stick of butter, and a lonely bottle of Orange Joe sitting on a shelf.
The pantries had a similar showing, one slice of stale bread and an expired bag of granola.
"Sunny?" She idly called out as she walked to the bottom of the stairs from the kitchen.
No response.
She grunted. He either didn't hear her, or he was just ignoring her, the latter of which seemed pretty stupid since for all he knew she could be a robber.
...Albeit a robber wouldn't call out his name.
As she climbed the stairs she decided that she would just grab what she thought would cover three days worth of food for Sunny at Othermart. Then she'd see if she could get Sunny to help.
Sweat matted Aubrey's dyed pink locks as she huffed and puffed her way towards Sunny's front door with plastic bags in each of her clenched fists. She had severely underestimated how hard it would be to haul three days' worth of groceries from Othermart all the way to Sunny's house. Even while taking a conservative approach to how much she thought Sunny would eat.
She did certainly feel better about getting that six-pack of soda now.
"Gaaaaaah..." She grunted as she unclenched her stiff right fist, letting the groceries fall into a heap on the ground as she fought through the pain and reached for the doorknob. And once that was finished, she had to put her poor arm through the ordeal of picking the groceries back up and shuffling inside for the final sprint of her journey.
To say she was relieved to drop both bags onto the wood floor of Sunny's house would be an understatement. Her back popped and crackled as she straightened herself from the half slouch hauling the bags had put her in.
"Sunny!" She yelled as she slammed the door shut with her foot. "I got groceries for you! Help me put them away!" After all, food needed to be put away into its proper place, rather than being put alongside with the clutter.
She paused, waiting for a second and straining her ears for the sound of a door opening, or steps on the staircase. There were none.
She growled in frustration. "Okay, okay, maybe he just didn't hear you..." She grumbled out to herself as she stomped towards the stairs.
"SUNNY!" She called again, this time from the bottom of the stairs.
Anger began to bubble inside of her as, yet again, there was no response. There wasn't any way he could have not heard her unless he was knocked out, or ignoring her. It was like he was just confirming everything she thought about the lazy shut-in. Content to just laze around at home and abandon his friends when they needed him.
"SUNNY!" She stomped onto the first step. "Get your ASS down here or I will bring it down!" She angrily yelled as she stomped up the stairs.
As no sign of a response came, the anger gradually bubbled down into something else:
Unless Sunny was wearing earmuffs there was no way he would have been unable to hear her. So why was there no response?
Something cold clutched her chest. Maybe it was because of whose house she was in, but now her mind was conjuring up images of various home accidents that could occur in a short time.
Or worse, she was reminded of how Mari's death came as a surprise to everyone.
She quickened her pace up the stairs. Her heart thumping in her chest as she tried to stay calm.
She gave the door to Sunny's room a quick rap with her knuckles only to realize that the door was unlocked as it creaked open.
"Sunny?" She said again, quieter this time as she walked into the room.
Instead of any of the worrisome images her mind conjured up, what she saw in the bedroom was Sunny's staring face as he sat up in bed.
Her face went red as she grit her teeth. "SUNNY! WHAT THE HELL!? Why didn't you answer me!?"
To think he was just sitting here, ignoring her entirely while she worried herself into thinking something had happened to him! Even after she did an errand for his mother that he was completely capable of doing on his own! The selfish prick!
...And yet, despite the clenched fists, the yelling, and the snarling face, Sunny did not react.
The cold in her chest returned.
"...Sunny?" She asked, tentatively as she carefully stepped over to his bed. "You... You can hear me, right?"
Nothing, he just stared blankly into space.
She shook her head, the beginnings of a panic forming in her heart as she walked towards him. "Sunny, if this is a prank then it is not funny, okay?"
He didn't even blink.
"Sunny? Sunny! Are you okay!?" She closed the gap and began to shake his shoulders as if her life depended on it. "C'mon! Sunny! Answer me!"
Certain things that his mother said now made more sense. If he got like this then leaving the oven on for any extended period would be a hazard. She felt guilty for thinking of him as some sort of lazy shut-in earlier, this... this was far more serious than she imagined.
"AH!" She breathes a sigh of relief as Sunny jolts from his trance with a yelp, shaking her shoulder off.
"Sunny-" She's cut off as he presses himself up against the wall, eyes locked with hers.
In particular, she pauses as she sees the glint of a steak knife in his right hand.
"Wh-Wha-Who-Wha-" He mumbled out, looking around the room like a wild animal caught in a cage.
Aubrey then realized something very important: Sunny had not seen her in roughly four years, and likewise had no idea she dyed her hair or wore contact lenses.
She puts her hands up in a placating position. "Sunny- Sunny i-it's me Aubrey."
He squints at her, a brief look of confusion as he continued to mumble. "Wh-I... A-Aubrey?"
It hurt her, it really did, to see him like this. She knows that Sunny is sixteen, and yet he looked as vulnerable and afraid as a child. How could she have assumed he wasn't taking Mari's death as hard as anyone else? Even harder than her.
She nods, hoping that he was calming down. "Yes, listen to my voice. I know it's changed in four years but it's me, Sunny."
He gulps, calming down a little as his eyes fill with recognition. "A-Aubrey... Wh-What are you... Why are you..."
She mentally finished the rest. "I-I'm here because your mom asked me to do a few errands." A minor lie, but the whole truth would have taken too long and the situation demanded brevity. "Th-There's some groceries downstairs."
"O-Oh..." The panicked look in his eyes dies away as he takes a deep breath. His arms and chest relax as he leans forward. Now, though, mild confusion replaced the panic.
Aubrey licks her lips, still eyeing the knife that he clutched in his hand.
Sunny blinks, following her eyes to where she was looking.
"Ah." He suddenly lets go of the knife as if it was hot. As if he had not realized he had it, and it falls uselessly onto the rug floor.
Neither of them really knew where to go from that.
"I, uh," Aubrey coughed awkwardly. "You... wanna help me put groceries away." She jabbed a thumb towards the bedroom door.
AN: AU where Aubrey meets Sunny in his house before the move. Tell me what you guys think.
Edit: Now on Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/28709151/chapters/70387821
submitted by Redstarmin to OMORI [link] [comments]

Hey there, could someone help me with some basic cost questions regarding mining Monero (RandomX mining)?

I want to start mining XMR and another coin which uses the RandomX algorithm (I won't be mining them at the same time). My set up would be an above-average gaming PC (not bought yet) depending on the answers to my questions:
  1. This is the most important question: How much more expensive a month is the electricity bill (approximately) if I was to start mining 24/7 on top of regular use? For example, if I usually game, surf the web daily etc. and my usual household elec bill is $100/month, what magnitude of difference should I expect if I start mining 24/7, on say a 3900X 24/7? I live with flatmates and I don't want to piss them off with a crazy elec. bill. Would it be more than $50 additional a month? I am aware of different electricity rates depending on your country but I am looking for an estimate of the magnitude. If I can expect to pay $400+ extra a month then forget it. Someone mentioned it would only cost me $10 extra a month to mine 24/7 haha, I don't believe him. It seems I pay around USD$0.20 per kWh.
  2. I've heard the AMD Ryzen 3900X (~13,000 H/s) is best bang for your buck. Considering I don't want my elec prices to be crazy, is it still ideal or should I go for the AMD 3600 (~6600 H/s)? Not sure if the 3600 is too underpowered, though.
  3. If I build this PC, can the rest of the specs be trash as long as the CPU is really good? i.e. if I have a trash GPU will this not greatly affect my mining rewards? Same said about RAM selection etc.? If so, I will just go all out on a CPU and save costs on the other specs.
  4. Is there any risk of fire-hazard for mining 16+ hours a day? Is it strongly advisable I buy cooling/thermal paste/fans etc.?
  5. With my setup of 1 PC with 1 CPU, is it really going to still get hot as fuck in my room?
submitted by mydaddysavirgin to MoneroMining [link] [comments]

Stay Away From the Bunker in Minnesota

*BANG* “He’s down.” is what I heard as I quickly and quietly crammed myself into a locker. I tried to quiet my breathing as the guards swept through the halls, guns and flashlights in hand. I swear to you I was moments away from being caught before a scream came from further down the hall and the guards rushed after it.
So yeah, that’s what made my life become the living hell that it is. I rarely sleep, I can never stay in one place, relationships are a thing of the past, my life is nothing but a game of cat and mouse at this point. I keep running and they keep finding me, this is how it’ll be until the day I die.
I know none of this makes sense, I’ll explain. I’m a bit of an anarchist, and when you happen upon a group of like minded people who ALSO just so happen to have found the location of a secret government lab, it means big things are stirring in smalltown Minnesota.
Putting government facilities out in the middle of empty farmville never made sense to me. I mean, yeah, I guess people are less likely to look out there, but it’s such an inconvenience in every other way. How do you even plan to move supplies into it? Oh yeah no one will notice the line of military vehicles slowly descending into the middle of a field. Flawless logic, one point to the US government. Then again, not many people live out here, I don’t know, just seems dumb.
When I was grocery shopping once a month, like usual, yeah I live alone, I looked at the pinboard in the front of the store. It’s usually the same thing every day,one free guitar lesson, volunteer opportunities, donations needed, a group of anarchists looking for fellow rebellious people, etc. Well maybe not that last one, that one's not always there and it caught my attention. Should they really be advertising like that? Like,”Hey! Everyone! We’re looking to overthrow the government!” It was searching for new members, I quickly took it down and stuffed it in my pocket, I didn’t want to risk anyone else seeing it and I needed the number for later.
So that kind of explained it, right? At least part of it, you’ll likely piece the rest together as I go on. If you can’t, well, sorry.
After I got home and finished putting the groceries away, I took out the paper and flattened it on the counter. I read it over again, “Anarchists looking for like-minded people willing to join the cause, if interested, contact us [REDACTED].” Of course it wasn’t redacted on the sheet, but I’m not giving away the information to you guys, I’m doing you a favor.
Anyway, I emailed the address, saying that I found their flyer and told them I was interested. After that, I made dinner and ate alone, watching TV, as always. See this is why I needed a change in my life, everything was so mundane and repetitive that I felt like I could feel my sanity slipping away each day I went on. I couldn’t keep living like that, otherwise I’d probably end up like Hemingway. Guy was a cool writer and all but the end didn’t see that appealing to me.
I checked my email one more time before bed at around 2:00 AMish. Not like the guy with the beards but the time. Like, roughly around that time. Why am I even explaining this? I checked my email and saw I had received a response. There was no subject and the only thing it contained was a link, I ran the link through my virus protection and it came back clean, I clicked it.
“Government Spy Catcher” was the title of the google survey it brought me to, oh great. The survey contained two questions, “1. Are you a government spy? (A.) Yes, I’m a filthy spy. (B.) Ew, no.” and the second, “2. Are you sure? (A.) Yes. (B.) No.” I was beginning to see the type of people I was dealing with. I answered it anyway, because why not? B and A, obviously. I submitted it and went to bed, only guessing what I could expect in the morning.
“Yo, get up.” is what I could (but didn’t) expect apparently. I looked over to my laptop, seeing I hadn’t closed it before passing out last night. There he was, who I’d come to know as James, later on. He was dressed like a...don’t even know. He was like the mix of a stereotypical 90s hacker along with an FBI agent who became a basement dweller. His hair was slicked back, but he was wearing a suit jacket with a white t-shirt and jeans. He looked kind of what I’d imagine a formal greaser to look like.
After recovering from that rude awakening, I looked at him, “I don’t recall ordering a wake up call, who are you, again?”
“Doesn’t matter, you answered the survey, I’m here to do one final check.”
It took a moment for last night’s quick questionnaire to return to my waking mind, but then I remembered.
“Ah, yeah, right. Alright so what’s left to ans-”
“Are you a government spy?!”
“Wh- No.”
“You promise?”
“Yeah, I promise.”
“Alright, you’re in, here’s the address, be there by 10, tonight.”
An address quickly popped up onto my screen through the notepad app, just as quickly as it arrived, James left.
“But I have work then…” I said half to the absent James and half to myself. Well, guess I’m calling in sick. I’m sure they’ll just love that.
After calling in sick, I got out of bed and checked the time, it was only 10 AM, 12 hours to kill. I decided to spend it doing various pointless things that aren’t even worth writing here, so I’ll just skip to the good part.
I left for the address around 9:40 PM, arriving a few minutes early. It led to a pretty normal looking house, just WAY out in the country. I pulled into the driveway, and turned off my car. As I stepped out, a woman opened the door to the house, shrouded in darkness.
“Are you (You’re not getting my name)?”
“Then get it! Quick quick quick!”
I rushed over to the door, mentally going over the fact that this could very well be the last place I ever enter, and stepped inside.
The inside was of course, pitch black. I flipped a nearby lightswitch and the woman slapped it back down, returning the room to darkness.
“No! No electric light!”
“*sigh* It doesn’t look as cool! Duh!” she said, cracking a glow stick.
“Ah, right then.” I said, slowly nodding, but also giving her a very confused look.
“Ugh, where does James even find these people…” She muttered to herself “Follow me.”
Not wanting to deal with this woman alone any longer, I followed her. She led me through the fairly normal looking home, albeit a bit decrepit, to a dusty living room. There was nothing notable about it, it was filled with regular living room furniture. There was an old Zenith TV (wow) a lumpy couch and loveseat, a lamp, coffee table and two very clearly fake plants. Oh and a rug, a rug she moved to reveal a metal hatch, honest to God. She reached behind the TV and flipped a switch, the metal hatch slid open and revealed a well lit staircase that descended far beyond what I could see from the top.
She motioned for me to start walking down, I did a double take. She rolled her eyes, made an annoyed sound, and started leading me down.
“I don’t get why you’re acting like it’s such a big deal.”
“A stranger is motioning me into the secret basement of an old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere without giving me any information on where I am or what it leads to.”
She stopped for a second, processing what I said, and then kept walking. Yeah, I wouldn’t have believed they ever had the brains to work for the government either.
After walking for about a minute, it was seriously that long, we came to a big vaulted room with thick metal walls. In stereotypical fashion, the walls were lined with lights, computers, monitors, buttons, switches, the whole nine yards.
“Well, go on, get familiar with everything.” The woman said. Then, quickly muttered, “Oh yeah, I’m Tara by the way.” and proceeded to quickly walk away.
Well, what the hell am I supposed to do here? I started to walk around, reading the panels with dials and knobs. I flipped one labeled “Break Room.” A loud whooshing came from my right and I spun my around head to face it. One of the walls had lifted to reveal a large break room. It was filled with vending machines, several refrigerators, cabinets, ovens, microwaves, snacks, basically everything you’d expect and more.
James walked up to me, wearing the same outfit he was wearing when he called me. He punched my shoulder and said, “I see you found the break room! That’s my favorite one here, but there’s plenty to choose from.”
“Uhhh.. how many people are in this group again?”
“Four, including you.”
I stared at him in confusion, he didn’t seem to think that this was overkill.
“You don’t think this is a bit much for three, now four, people?”
“Nah, we don’t really leave much.”
Of course, I could’ve guessed that based off the amazing social skills Tara showed off.
“Ah, alright then.” I said. He flashed a smile at me, two rows of surprisingly bright and straight teeth. Probably fakes.
I continued to explore the bunker, finding more rooms with the flip of each switch. It was almost funny, this seemed like a fantasy world, the work of science fiction. It wasn’t fake though, I was really experiencing this. As I moved towards the back of the first room, I saw the presumed third member of the group. He was sitting in a desk chair, typing away at one of the countless monitors in the room.
“Ah hey, you must be the third member, sorry they haven’t given me your name.”
The man glanced up from his computer to my face, looking like he was trying to remember something.
He jumped up, “Ah! You’re (REDACTED), what’s up!” He said enthusiastically.
This guy is huge, he’s like the old viking stereotype. He has a big, long beard and hair that went down to the middle of his back. He’s built like a tank, huge, broad shoulders, arms like tree trunks and a chest to rival a gorilla. He has to be at least 6’10”. He was wearing a “I Smash Computers For a Living” t-shirt that was clearly too small, but I don’t even know how there would be a shirt made for someone his size so I don’t blame him. That shirt seemed ironic though.
“Oh uh- hey! Not much man, what’s up with you?”
“Not much, not much, I’m Todd, real nice to meet you!” He said as he reached out his oven mitt sized hand for a handshake.
I shook it, feeling each bone in my hand trying its hardest not to snap. We talked for a bit, and then he said he had to get back to his computer, but would like to talk more later. Todds a cool guy. You may notice that I talked about him in present tense, yeah I think Todd made it out alive. The reason I think that is because on my way out of the government facility we were caught in, there was a trail of soldiers laying on the ground who looked like they had their chests caved in by a boulder. I’m not exaggerating Todd’s size.
After meeting each member, I just walked around for a while, eventually sitting at a table towards the center.
“Wandering around like a lost little puppy, I see.” said Tara, walking up behind me.
I turned to face her, “Well, I’m not wandering, and it’s not like I was given any direction or even the slightest idea of what I’m supposed to be doing.”
She sneered at me and started to walk away. I watched her, she stopped, turned to me, looking at me like I was the dumbest being she’d ever encountered. She jerked her arm in the direction she was walking and I stood to follow her. I don’t know if I’m supposed to be able to read minds or something but she sure seemed to think I could.
She brought me over to one of the many vacant computers and showed me the layout of that bunker I mentioned earlier. Proceeding to pull up separate documents on each monitor around me, she said, “This is our goal, we need to get in here, figure something out.”
I nodded, and got to work. I called my boss and said I had some weird sickness. Life-threatening, with flu-like symptoms, I don’t know I just made it up. He asked me if I knew what it was exactly and I had to think fast, I looked around and saw James had an empty pack of corona next to his desk.
“Uh- Yeah it’s like, the uh.. Coronavirus, I think.” it was so dumb, I don’t even know how he believed me. It worked though, he told me to get some rest and take off as much time as I needed. Seriously though, who would name a virus, “Coronavirus?” That’s just stupid.
Anyway, I started working on analyzing the blueprints of the bunker. Only one obvious entrance, the huge, obvious, metal hatch that could fit a semi. I knew, however, that they wouldn’t be dumb enough to have only one way in and out. There had to be some other exit, even if it was a terrible way to evacuate an entire bunker of employees in the event of a disaster. Yeah that sounds oddly specific, that’s because it is. They had a, stay with me here, manhole cover. A single manhole cover about a half mile from the hatch. It was in an ol, abandoned utility shed in the middle of the field. I guess they didn’t think anyone would ever be curious enough to explore an old shed. HOW ARE THESE PEOPLE RUNNING THE COUNTRY?
I pointed it out to Tara, she looked at me, back at the monitor, then back at me.
“That’s a sewer, idiot.”
Without a word, I zoomed in on the tunnel that lead directly from the shed to the back of the bunker. She squinted at it, moving closer.
“Oh.” she said.
“Yep.” I said, smiling.
“Well, I’ll get the others.” she muttered, swiftly moving over to James.
A few hours later, she walked to one of the switches on the walls and flipped it. A wall slid open, revealing several suits of “Covert ops infiltration” gear. Todd’s, unsurprisingly, was many sizes bigger than our’s.
“Everyone suit up, we’re leaving tonight.” Said Tara.
“Tonight? Isn’t it like 4 am already?” I questioned.
“No, my guy, it’s not. It’s (he checked his phone) 9:30 am.” James told me, smiling.
I didn’t believe him at first, I checked my own phone and sure enough, he was right. I had already been down there for that long? Time flies when there’s no sun to remind you.
The suits were amazing, they adjusted to seamlessly and flawlessly match our movements. No sounds whatsoever, they must’ve had some INCREDIBLE communication systems built into them because we could hear each other through the suits just fine, but outside the suits, our voices didn’t make a sound.
Flipping another switch, Tara revealed a wall several meters high that was lined with weaponry. Lasers, plasma, pistols, grenades, rifles, pistols, machine guns, shotguns, knives, machetes, and even rocket launchers. I have no idea how they managed to get their hands on all this, or even the bunker for that matter. I didn’t ask questions though, I just started to take a look at the weapons.
“Ever shot a gun before?” Asked Tara.
“No, actually.” I replied.
“Here! It’s easy, watch!” Todd said, jumping up to grab a heavy machine gun.
He then flipped a switch, revealing yet another room, a firing range. He proceeded to pump a training dummy full of about 300 .50 caliber rounds. The thing was decimated in seconds.
Todd looked back to me, I can only assume he was smiling under his suit’s mask. He handed me the gun and told me to fire at the next target. I held the gun, steadied my aim and fired. The thing kicked like a damn mule on steroids. I fell back, luckily releasing the trigger before my line of fire reached outside the range.
“Oh I’m so sorry dude! I probably have a frame that’s better fit for that than most people, huh?” He said, helping me up.
“Yeah, yeah you definitely do. I can see why these are usually mounted.” I replied, accepting his hand and regaining my composure.
“Here, maybe this is more your size.” He said, handing me a pistol.
The thing was like a toy gun in his hands I swear.
I smiled, realizing that was pointless with the mask, and took it from his enormous hands. I know I keep pointing out how huge he is, but seriously, it’s insane.
I took aim and fired at a hanging target, 9 shots, dead center.
Tara whistled, seemingly forgetting her always unimpressed attitude and slapped me on the back.
“You sure you’ve never fired a gun before? Your aim is better than any of our’s, and we’re government trained.” she said.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” I replied, reloading the gun. “Just played a lot of video games.”
We continued to train at the range, trying out each weapon. We more or less left all the large arms and explosives to Todd, understandably. I think I’d do best with the sniper, but that wouldn’t be very useful in closed quarters.
A few hours later, we were ready. We geared up and headed out. I settled on a pistol (with a silencer), a knife, an MP5 (incase we had to abandon stealth) and a bag full of grenades. The grenades were a last resort.
We walked to the shed, this walk was in no way short and in no way enjoyable. Todd carried Tara on his shoulder at one point, yes, one shoulder. It felt weird for me to ask to be carried as well, I mean, I’m a grown man, but I really wanted to, my legs were getting tired.
When we arrived at the shed, Tara went in first, checking for any security measures, surprisingly, or maybe unsurprisingly, judging by all their other decisions, there was none.
She tried to lift the manhole cover, but it was too heavy. You already know what I’m going to say next, don’t you? Todd crouched through the door and picked it up like it was a pancake filled with helium. He nodded, and we went in, one by one, Todd taking up the rear so he could recover the hole.
A veerryy long hallway was ahead of us. Another long walk, so wonderful. I couldn’t tell you how long it took, I never checked the time and it seemed like we were never making any progress, no matter how long we walked.
Eventually, however, we came to a door, Todd took the lead and we all exited into what looked to be a storage room. We all started opening crates, seeing what was in each. They contained various supplies, secret weapons and technology. All pretty cool stuff, we help ourselves to some of the smaller items we could carry and moved on.
That’s when it hit me.
“Hey, uh, I feel dumb asking this but, what exactly are we trying to do here?”
“Search for anything that could be useful to us in our fight against the government.” said James.
“Ah, alright then, that makes sense.” I replied, not expecting James to know anything about what was going on.
Our search continued, each room was full of more and more new things to take. The security in this place was awful, not a single guard or alarm in any room we entered. The government isn’t doing great at protecting their secrets, but I suppose that pattern has been pretty clear throughout this.
One room was locked, a metal bulkhead with a big hazard sign on it. Tara said the stealth suits had built in protection to any type of radiation, toxic gasses, poisons, or anything else that would usually kill someone without proper protection. So, Todd just ripped the hinges off and caught the door before it fell. He lightly placed it against the wall and told us to head inside.
Now, if you’re faint of heart, you may want to stop reading now. We’ve all heard tales of government experiments, and of course, those that have gone wrong, but I’ve never heard a story that could even shadow what I saw.
The room was huge, the floor, walls and ceiling were all a bright white tile. There was a constant haze in the air, but I don’t know what was creating it. We activated the night vision on our suits, surveying the room. There were cages, hundreds of them, lining the floor. Each contained a different, horrifyingly mutated, vile and repulsive creature that was once a human being, as far as I could tell. Their skin was covered in boils, rashes, burns and any seemingly any form of a painful blemish a person could have on their body.
We started walking towards the cages, and that’s when the smell hit us. I could never properly describe the foul, gut wrenching, and vomit inducing scent that filled my nostrils. It was a combination of blood, bile, sweat, urine, feces and the sickly sweet aroma of rotting flesh. I’ve had to repair my septic tank before, I’ve come back to my house after forgetting to take out the trash for two weeks, I’ve been in a men’s locker room on, “Bring a Friend” day, but none of those could begin to compare to this smell.
I had to stop moving completely and focus every fiber of my being on not throwing up. If I just stood there for a minute, I’d probably get used to it, at least kind of, right? Maybe, maybe, but I didn’t get the chance, one of the “people” began to approach the edge of their cage, dragging their body forward, slowly. It was completely naked, its face was twisted in an unimaginable look of agony. They were missing a leg, it looked to have been messily amputated, or eaten.
With each drag of their body, a ragged and labored wheeze came from their toothless mouth. I got a better look at their face, their jaw was clearly broken, just hanging there, pointlessly. One of their eyes was missing, an empty, bloody socket in its place. The other eye, bloodshot and gray.
When they reached the edge of the cage, I could see a large, oozing gash on their back, clearly infected. I think they tried to speak, but when they opened their mouth, all that came out was another wheeze, and what remained of their tongue.
That was too much for Tara, she tore off her mask and started vomiting, either forgetting or not caring about the room being full of something quite deadly to us. Todd picked up her mask and quickly tried to put it back on her, but he was too late.
Whatever was in the air has already made its way into her lungs, she gasped, looking at us with wide eyes and an expression that spoke volumes. Her last few moments weren’t pleasant, but none of us could even think about putting her out of her misery before it was too late. I’d only known her for a day, and she wasn’t the most friendly person I’ve met, but somehow she already felt like family.
“She.. she.. No, no no she’s fine, Todd she’s fine, pick her up, we’ll bring her out, she’s fine!” James cried out.
“James man, I’m so sorry, she was an amazing sister, but.. You know she’s gone…” Todd whispered, wrapping James in a bear hug.
“NO NO NO NO SHE’S FINE GET OFF OF ME!” James somehow managed to wriggle his way out of Todd’s vice grip and ran over to Tara’s lifeless body.
“Come on, come on Tara, you’re okay, come on.. please..please.. GET UP YOU HAVE TO GET UP!” James screamed, every word dripping with anguish. He took her shoulders, lifting her up and shook her, hard. We only stood and watched, not knowing what else to do. James only stopped after Tara’s neck gave a loud snap and her head went completely limp.
He dropped her back onto the floor, sobbing into her suit between deep inhales. Todd started to move towards him but I placed my hand on his arm, signifying to leave him alone. Todd looked at me and I motioned towards James’s hands, one laying beside Tara and one laying on his pistol.
We didn’t know what time it was or how much time we had left, but we weren’t going to leave him here, so we waited. Until suddenly, out of nowhere, he shot up and bolted out of the room, running towards the central part of the bunker.
Todd and I got up, and chased after him, trying to stop him before he attracted any attention. As always, though, we were too late. Guards flooded the halls ahead of us, chasing James and firing at him. Todd and I debated taking shots at them, but knew it would just get us killed too. I reached for my bag of grenades, hoping they would be enough, before I realized that I dropped them in the same room Tara was in. It was far too late to go back and get them, we knew they’d be on us any second and had to think fast.
Me, being small enough crammed myself into a locker before the soldiers saw me. Todd, being not so small, charged through them and kept on running towards the main entrance of the bunker. I don’t know if he just forgot about the manhole or was still planning on finding James, but he was out of sight fast.
The guards shot James, confirmed his death, and started to move towards the lockers before Todd screamed on the opposite end of the hallway. It was very obvious that this was a scream of anger, this is probably when he plowed through all the guards.
After they ran down the hall towards his yelling, I slipped out of the locker, ran down the hall and made my way out of the shed. I quickly headed back to our base, got in my car and sped home.
I took everything important, threw it in my trunk, and hightailed it out of the state. I’ve been moving from place to place every once in a while to make sure I’m never pinned down. I haven’t heard from Todd, and my boss hasn’t called, so I assume everyone I know thinks I’m dead, but the government knows I’m not. They’re still hunting me, always.
If I could find Todd and go back to the bunker, I would, but I don’t know how likely that is. If I ever do, I guess I’ll keep you guys updated. Wish me luck.
submitted by AMP0525 to nosleep [link] [comments]

Health and Safety Reps in an office environment

I work as a software developer for a multinational IT company out of an Australian office. Pretty standard kind of IT workplace - mostly professional white-collar employees, working in a nice standard office (pre-COVID) or from home (post-COVID). Physical risks seem (to me, not a WHS specialist) to be that of a normal office environment plus a few employees who do physical handling of computer equipment or do electronics work.
A friend of mine working at another IT company recently raised with me the issue of Health and Safety Representatives, and suggested that I look into the HSR situation at my company, as he believes it's important to have someone in that role and actively engaging with workers on their workplace conditions.
I've done a little bit of preliminary research as to the health and safety structures in place at my company. We've got what looks to be a pretty comprehensive set of formal policies in place, as I would expect from a respectable multinational, and a dedicated health and safety team, based in-country. There appears to be some regional/national-level health and safety committees that have some non-managerial representation.
But as far as I can tell, there are no Health and Safety Representatives - or at least, none that are responsible for my office, and I can't find any evidence of other HSRs covering any other parts of the company in Australia. My understanding of the relevant parts of our Work Health and Safety Act is that while a health and safety committee is responsible for developing and reviewing safety policies, it does not replace the role of elected HSRs, and doesn't have the HSR's legal powers to intervene in disputes (including cease-work directions, improvement notices, etc).
I'm considering whether I want to kick off the process and request the election of some HSRs for my office - maybe I'll nominate, or maybe I'll convince some of my union colleagues to put their hand up. I've had no real experience or interaction with anything health and safety related before, but I figure I am at least enthusiastic enough to do consultation with the rest of the staff and collect issues that need to be brought to management. Obviously the first thing I'm doing is making contact with our WHS team to learn a bit more about how our existing health and safety committee works and what issues they're currently looking at.
My questions to those of you who have more experience in WHS:
submitted by ajdlinux to WorkplaceSafety [link] [comments]

My review of my brand new Kia niro EV after(almost, not quite home yet) a 2000 mile road trip from San Diego to Denver and back. ALT TITLE: electrify America (evil Corp) sucks a fart.

Ok, this is gonna be a long one so TL; DR at the bottom.
So I’m not quite home, but I’m stuck on a road in north Las Vegas I just was doing a leg from beaver Utah (were I stayed last night, not even once do this...trust me) to Las Vegas. The last two bfe chargers, one of which was electrify America and the other green lots were FUBAR. This is no suprise with Electrify america(who I will henceforth refer to as evil Corp) avoid these chargers at all costs.
So now I’m waiting in 105 LV heat waiting on a tow truck I have to pay for dispite having Kia roadside built into my lease(this is my biggest complaint of Kia corporate thus far)
So we set out from SoCal on the 9th for what was supposed to be a 10 day road trip to grandmas house in Denver with a three day stop in glenwood springs Colorado. Two adults, one kid, two medium sized dogs. Space was tight but doable. We get a one hour stop every 2-2.5 hours to charge which I thought beforehand was gonna be perfect(some stops to charge took 2-3 hours. This is partially kias fault, partially infrastructure (evil Corp)). Walk the dogs, feed everyone, nbd.
The trip from San Diego to Glenwood was long (because charging) but fairly uneventful. Complaining kid, dogs, adults, a bit of too close for too long arguing family shit. But pretty scenery and uneventful. We took one overnight in LV to and then arrived at glenwood springs after dark. Me and the wife stayed up late doing adult things in Vegas, so we got a later start around noon. We met up with grandma and grandpa for four fun days of theme parks, fishing, great food, and great massages. We haven’t had a real vacation in 5 years so this was needed.
Onward to Denver for boredom and extended family...again uneventful.
Since this is a review of the car I should tell you it got a 3.1 miles per kWh average from sea level up and over the Rockies and down into Denver. Maxing out at 10,500 feet at the Eisenhower tunnel. Going up sux the battery dry, coming down we used no energy and in some cases gained 10-15 miles of range. I average 5-10 mph over the speed limit including long periods of 90-95 mph through Utah where on the I-70 the speed limit is 80.
The car stayed true to its mileage estimates(especially if you use the in car gps, which seems to take altitude changes into affect and speak to the dash computer)
Driving the car on freeways is both nice and frustrating. It’s nice on the long stretches where you can depend on lane keeping and enjoy the views with hands barely touching the wheel, and feet at rest. It’s frustrating doing switchbacks and twisties where conditions and traffic have you touching road boundary lines(like when a semi pushes wide) and the car beep beep beeping away warning you you’re crossing the lines. which cannot be shut off afaik. The car cannot take bigger bends by itself, it will do it last second but doesn’t necessarily stay within the lines. My only criticism is for situations like road works or changing lanes without signaling on empty roadways. During construction zones it’s all freaked out. Cone paths will have you crossing solid lines and lane markers. The car will try to take the wheel and drive you toward cones. It’s a bit freaky at first. Kia needs to build in a button that immediately shuts off all nannies for situations like this. Then when you fail to signal a lane change it(I’m pretty good at using my signals but sometimes neglect on empty roads where no one is in sight) it again will try to steer you right. Driving the wheel away from you which is easily defeated with force (but again does freak you out)
But mostly a relaxing and easy trip(thus far). The lane assist isn’t really a self driving car per se, it gets mad after about thirty seconds of not touching the wheel throws a temper tantrum and threatens to and eventually does shut off after about a minute.
EDIT: interesting hack I found, if you wear shorts (and I almost always do) then if you prop your legs up to touch the steering wheel with your naked knees, the car essentially drives itself on mostly straight sections of freeway thinking your knees are hands, again in the twisties it doesn’t stay in the lines, and I’ll be honest it gets a bit scary passing right next to big semis going 15mph faster or more. But I always had my hands floating above the wheel at this point. Like floating your foot above the brake with cruise control. I will admit that if the car decided it needed to turn into a truck at this point I dont know if you could fix it fast enough like you could if you were holding the wheel.
But it does take a lot of strain off your arms and legs that can get old after a long drive.
The adaptive cruise control is amazing. So much better than my ‘16 bmw i3. The i3 is jerky, stupid, and only works in certain conditions(and never with the sun in its face) The niro is amazing, smooth adaptive following with a lot of precision. It’ll come to a complete stop in traffic all the way down from 80mph to zero. And then will start again with a tap of the accelerator pedal. Never seems to fail, go crazy or shut off like my bmw. It even Emergancy braked for me when the car I was following saw a deer three miles of about a hundred meters from the roadway and decided to go batshit crazy and smoke the tires to a stop from 50mph. The Kia never panicked it just followed the lead. Never got any closer than it was before the stupidity. I was impressed, the dog flung into my lap from the boot was not. Q
Charging is my biggest complaint of the car. Kia has a very conservative DC charging profile that keeps you in the lower kw range when it’s known it can and should be higher I assume this is because of their 100% battery warrantee. In my experience the highest rate it will charge at is 75ish kw per hour. But it seems to restrict it down to 30-35kw per hour at around 40-50% state of charge. This means if you’re low and going onto a long leg of your trip of 200+ miles you could be looking at 1.5-2 hours connected to a dc fast charger. The time estimates the car gives you are wildly inaccurate and fluctuate from charger to charger with the same kw input. It’ll tell you it’s estimate is 45 mins to 80% and take 30 on one charger it’ll tell you it’s estimate is 45 on another and actually take 1.5 hours. Like I said no understanding it. This is kias doing, they’re just using the charging station for power. The charger is onboard and it’s dumb. I’ll hope for a software update.
2 hours stuck on the evil Corp titty in some cases equaled $40+ to fill up. Fuck evil Corp.
Here I’m going to rant. Evil Corp has beautiful green glowing sets of four chargers set up all over the I-70 from Utah straight to Denver and all the way to Virginia I found out after talking with a nice couple moving/driving to San Francisco from Virginia in their Chevy at one. (By the way they had the exact same complaints we did).
EDIT: I was just informed the electrify America is in fact the same evil Corp that brought you the vw emissions scandal (color me shocked, or if you’re Canadian or English colour you shocked) see this comment
But don’t let the beauty fool you. Evil Corp is evil after all. First of all, at each and every charger set. Only one charger will read ready to go. And of course it’s their lowest power one(the one with the chademo max 150kw output) then you cannot start the fucking thing with their shitty app. No you have to call and talk with some poor rep who often got the brunt of my frustration. Don’t worry I didn’t Karen out until one day evil Corp really triggered me and I had to scream(not really, I assertively and calmly told him his company sucks donkey schlong) at a manager. Which is when evil Corp broke my car(not really but I feel like I should blame them) on our way home sitting on an evil Corp titty after yelling ( again hyperbole, no raising of Boise’s happened) at a manager about how EV drivers depend on their chargers and how the fuck are you still in business?...the car blew up. Almost literally. After my phone call (finishing the $45 charge) the brake pedal shot upward pretty violently throwing my knee into the wheel. It scared the crap outta me. All sorts of alarms went off. So I finish charging and then go to move on hoping it will still drive despite saying clearly on the dash to move to the side of the road. Nope. 13mph max. Limp mode. I tried unplugging the aux battery for 3 mins and reinstalling it in hopes of rebooting the computer and saving our road trip plans, no joy.
So I call Kia roadside, who directs me to a website where we put in all the car and driver info. Drive 7 miles at 13mph get a hotel room and wait. And wait. And wait. Go fishing, eat, using a crazy Uber driver to get around who I could write a book on after about 30 mins total time in his car. Not like his life story, no about his crazy as we saw it. Welcome to grand junction Colorado. come back at ten...still waiting website link still says pending. So I call Kia livid. Where is my tow truck? I wanna have this thing at the only Kia dealership within 200 miles first thing in the morning so I can get my family home sooner rather than later. Finally get someone on the phone around 11pm who swears that our brand new, leased less than 3k miles Kia doesn’t have roadside.
Fuck it! Well do it live! I pay for a tow, get the car there, deal with the mess in the morning. Extra day of vacation. In the morning I go fishing in the same Uber, different driver...I thought the guy last night was crazy. His wife is nuttier than a squirrels shit. I think meth is involved. By the time I come back around 10am my wife has informed me that Kia is footing the bill for the tow, the repair and all parts of our “travel interruption” food, lodging, coke,hookers. Everything.
Great, bonus vacation. The dealership overnighted the broken brake actuator it was going to be installed the next morning. On the road by 2pm. Great, more fishing. More coke. More whores. Let’s go.
2pm the next day we drove the rental car that Kia was paying for (a Mitsubishi outlander, just a giant pile of wet shit just don’t even think about driving or god forbid buying one of these) to the dealership to be told it wasn’t ready, the part was installed but they’re waiting on a code from Kia corporate that they were going to call with any time from now to tomorrow morning.
I had to get our kid home within two days for an obligation so we do it live again. Took the rental and drove out in order to return a week later for the Kia(I can have a bonus, no kids/wife bonus fishing trip on kias dime). We drove to Zion in the dark(you can’t do a 16 hour home with kids and dogs, you just can’t) figured we’d see another national park in the morning and finish the trip. Zion was great, highly recommended even though no one and I mean no one in Utah wears a mask. I even saw a new type of idiot there. You know how you see the morons walking around with masks covering their mouth but not their nose? I saw a guy in Zion covering his nose but not his mouth. And I also saw him adjust it several times so it was clearly purposeful. Roll out of Zion by noon, home by 8. I’ll admit gas cars make travel simpler.
Kia finally called to tell us the car was done 3 days after being home. Having to drive the shit box outlander everywhere. I hate that car. I hate it with the power of 1000 suns.
So I make plans to return to grand junction the following Friday via said shit box. Camp and fish a few days(best part of the trip, if you’re a fly fisherman I highly recommend the north fork of the Gunnison river near pleasure park road in Hotchkiss Colorado, I scored about 30 good size browns and 5 rainbow all released except the one that I killed when it jumped out of my hands while we were taking a selfie, my neighbor will appreciate the meal and asked me to bring her one) . Then drive home with the fixed niro. I was gonna try doing it in one haul because I was alone. “I can do a 20 hour car drive alone.” I said “I once drove from nyc to the panhandle of Texas without taking a break(when I was 21 and maybe I did a bump or two. not sober at age 43)
First leg goes well. No evil Corp charger to deal with. Second goes well. Fuck it I’m tired, let’s fish one more trout stream before the fishless desserts. One last stop in beaver Utah. Once again, Utah...not even once.
Found a hotel with a dc fast charger(evil Corp) a room that smelled like a fart. Employees not wearing masks including the room cleaners(fucking morons, I mean Mormons oops, perhaps their manic underwater will save them from covid?) Truck stop 40 feet away so trucks in and out all night long. Beers will help me sleep and fend off the rona.
In the morning, car fully 100% charged off of a dc fast charger (first time for everything) evil Corp charged $2 every ten mins after you’re done charging for an idle fee. Which admittedly I think is great and smart in a busy area but I’m the only one here. Probably one of three EV drivers in Utah. That’s just price gouging. $62 charge. FML. I should have read evil corps small print. After all they are evil.
Then comes my leg from beaver to Vegas. I’m fully charged. I stop at 150 miles in to top off, get breakfast and have a wizz. Off again after 30 min. I get to my next charger that I planned for 170 miles out. Dead, won’t turn on, no power nada. Guess who’s charger? Yup.
So I move another 40 miles. Green lots charger. No cell signal, no internet. Can’t start their charger without their rfid card or app I needed to have downloaded already AND have cell signal or WiFi. Gas station will not share their WiFi password with me no matter how much I beg plead and even offer $25 cash to use it for 3 min. Fuck you. Moving on.
Onward to Vegas. Next dc fast is 53 miles out. Car says 55 available. So I trust it. Park my ass behind a semi to hyper mile doing 65. set the cruise control and watch the miles and mileage available tick by. I’m not gonna make it. So I check plug share for the closest stage 2. I’ll just add on 15-20 miles and then hit a dc fast. Wrong, get to the nearest one and I cannot find charger. Read that they’re on solar trailers and are moved a lot. This is at the Vegas speedway feel free to look. So I head to the next one. 4.3 miles la Quinta inn. Ac is off. 105 degree heat, car says I have zero miles available after searching for this chargers. All the sudden a large orange tortoise shows up on the dash. Limited power the niro says. I’m creeping in limp mode again. Max speed 25mph driving down north Las Vegas Blvd with hazards on. Finally it stops. Fuck.
Call Kia roadside(do not use their website the phone message will encourage) speak to a person. They swear once again that I don’t have roadside. I know the drill so I pay right up front knowing Kia will pay me back. This is fucked. I sat in the sun for two hours watching what I think was the thunderbirds (they did formation loops with tail smoke, cool) and f-22’s fly out of nellis. My tow driver was so chill I bought him a sixpack(for after work) so if you see a drunk ass kid driving around Vegas in a flatbed it wasn’t me. I said after work.
Now I’m sitting at a dc fast in south Las Vegas typing this novel on my phone (please excuse typos and formatting if anyone reads this far) and waiting 2 hours almost to get to 80%. I burnt my leg so badly on the kia’s sun cooked metal body my skin blistered. I have one more charge before home in Barstow (thank god im back to my normal EVgo) and then home around 10pm by my guess.
TL;DR: Kia roadside sucks ass. Kia corporate rox, the niro is badass and don’t EVER depend on energize America chargers. Fuck evil Corp.
Edit: I set a timer on my phone when the niro said 1 hour to charge. It’s now at 9 mins and the niro says 22 mins left. Please fix this in an update Kia.
Edit: this is getting a bit of attention so if you wanna hear me rant some more, or argue with me stay tuned.
I’ll try and post a rant somewhere tomorrow about the left lane and how California doesn’t use it right. after a drive from Las Vegas to San Diego I now want to rant about how California drivers seem to be the only ones in America who don’t realize that the left freeway lane is to be used for passing (it’s not the “fast lane”) you can see it almost the moment you pass into (Nevada honestly) California. (suggestions for an appropriate sub?)
I believe this causes dangerous conditions where in drivers who want to speed (or go faster than traffic) have to weave through it in order to do so. And let’s be honest...speeders gonna speed. So my argument is that safer conditions on roads are met when slower traffic move right. Just watch truckers, who (almost) universally follow this rule to see what I mean. Or the autobahn in Germany.
California(Nevada) drivers have no fucks to give and will park in the left lane “going fast” which is subjective. Passing is not.
So, Coming soon I guess? For now I’m home. Beer 30.
submitted by PMme_slave_leia_pics to electricvehicles [link] [comments]

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update August 18, 2020

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update August 18, 2020
Notes by mr_tyler_durden and Daily Update Team
Note: We may need to paraphrase, but the notes are accurate
Watch here:
Summarized (Full) Notes
(continued in stickied comment)
submitted by mr_tyler_durden to Coronavirus_KY [link] [comments]

Willster328 Unit Review: Sterne Leonis

Afternoon FFBE Fans! Looking start doing routine Unit Reviews for the community, that bring something a little extra to the table in addion to the GOATs, Memel0rd, and Wiki Team Reviews. Although they've paved the way for this community, amongst others, in the endeavor to get to know units more intricately myself I want to be able to share some new perspective and insight on the units as they come out.
Some of you may have seen other analysis and informative posts of mine that I've done in the past, such as: A Quick Look at External Imbuers , Deep Dive Analysis of MMXon , Breaker Analysis: Where does Locke fit , A look at Mirage , and Future TMSTMR Watch
I love how invested this community is, and I love being able to positively contribute to it.
My goal for these reviews isn't so much focused on the Stats, but more overall where they fit in Party Making, in your Roster, and FFBE as a whole. In addition, I'll be reviewing them at their 7-star form only, and when I do unit comparisons I limit my searches to 5-Star Base. That's really my only assumption when doing these. That being said, let's get started!

Stern Leonis: A Son Scorned

Coming to FFBE as part of a Time Limited WOTV Collaboration Event, Sterne is a T-Cast AMOE Chainer that at first glance sits upon the top our DPS Damage Charts as part of the rapid recent powercreep.

Overall Perspective

Sterne comes with an innate 30% Dark Resist, in line with his WOTV Element, as well as 100% Resist to Blind and Confusion. He's a TDH User. Like many others he also has Innate Human Killer, but at 150% (Which I'm sure he's saving for his Father or Mont). As it stands for Human Killer Passives, Sterne is among the top holders. There's 14 Characters that have 100% Human Killer or higher, only 7 Characters that have 125% or higher, and only 3 (Sterne included) that have 150% or more:
Character Human Physical Killer
Sterne 150%
Cloud (FFVII: AC) 150%
Nagi 150%
Jiraiya 125%
Kunashira 125%
Rico Rodriguez 125%
Xuan Wu & Qing Long 125%
Asura Akstar 300% with TMR and Self Buff (only 100% innate)
He also has two Self Imbues: Ice and Dark which last for 4 Turns.
Within his kit, he also has some Enemy Imperils for these elements in the form of:
Ability Imperil Other Notes
Hyoton 100% Ice - 4 Turns This same ability Self-Imbues, and is AMOE T-Castable
Anton 100% Dark - 4 Turns This same ability Self-Imbues, and is AMOE T-Castable
Hazard Break 120% Ice and Dark - 2 Turns 2 Turn Cooldown Available on Turn 2, also AMOE T-Castable
Fatal Fang (LB Max) 120% Ice and Dark - 5 Turns Limit Break
Hyoton and Anton are great in that these abilities both Imbue and Imperil, saving some valuable extra actions for his other abilities to ramp up damage really fast by Turn 2, which he does rather quickly as seen below in the rotation and calcs set up by our fantastic Wiki Team:
Turn Actions Damage
T1 Self-Sacrifice + Imbue-ton + Hazard Spin 19,487,966,204
T2 Hazard Break + 2x Hazard Spin 54,767,208,144
T3 3x Hazard Spin 45,703,427,676
T4 2x Hazard Spin + Hazard Break 55,996,561,663
T5 Imbue-ton + 2x Hazard Spin 28,186,601,030
T6 Self-Sacrifice + Hazard Break 24,882,545,587
T7 3x Hazard Spin 56,186,345,057
T8 2x Hazard Spin + Hazard Break 62,893,021,208
T9 Imbue-ton + 2x Hazard Spin 47,652,592,792
T10 2x Hazard Spin + Hazard Break 45,530,466,595
You can see he sets himself up really quickly to dish out some absolutely massive T2 Damage, which some of you DV fans might be eyeballing carefully. Part of that rotation is also a 300% ATK Buff which MMXon fans might also be eyeing carefully. As far as I can remember, 250% is currently the highest ATK Self Buff regularly used. That Hazard-Spin move you see being used a lot is also part the AMOE Family, but it's an AOE Move. Something to potentially keep in mind.
There is a different rotation that we're going to be figuring out shortly that incorporates his Limit Break more, and I'm sure will affect the overall DPT of the character, but the point still stands that he can still burst really hard really early, whether that be due toward his chaining or his LB.

Looking at his AMOE Family

AMOE has seen a positively massive surge in use lately, particularly Ice users. Out of the Top 20 highest DPSing units (Source: Wiki DPT Top 20), ones that regularly T-Cast AMOE abilities are:
Character Self-Imbues
War Hero Raegan Ice, Fire
Kitone Fire, Earth
Noel Ice, Water
Mystical Ice Lasswell Ice, Wind
Gilgamesh (WoTV) Ice
Seifer Earth, Dark
Supreme Deva Akstar Ice, Fire, Dark
Zeno (Enhanced) Fire
And you can see that out of that list a whopping five units have Ice Imbue in their rotation. Goes without saying that there's options for AOE External Imbue, so that is a healthier option in many cases. But in terms of natural synergy Sterne goes really well with many of the top tier DPS units. Many of them have their own 120% Ice Imperil, but some, like War Hero Raegan and Mystical Ice Lasswell, have it locked behind non-T1-Cooldowns. The same can be said for the 120% Dark Imperil for someone like Seifer, who has it locked behind a T4 Cooldown.

Gearing and Other quick Notes

Sterne wants to be built for TDH, wielding Daggers, Swords, Great Swords, Katanas, and Axes. He can wear almost all equipment except for Heavy Shields and Heavy Armor. So a fair amount of potential flexibility here for him, but TDH users are relatively confined to what kind of 2-Handed Weapons you have since you'll usually want to take the Damage Variance. But there's an absolute glut of swords and katanas that fit the bill.
He also has in his kit some abilities to increase his LB Gauge, His LB Fill Rate, and his LB Damage %. Given that his 120% Imperil is only on a 2 Turn Cooldown though, with enough burst in the rotation as it is, you'll likely not be using the LB a whole lot. I'd be curious to see some calcs on gearing him for LB Damage and popping his LB on T2 and comparing what that does for damage against his current rotation, but that's out of my expertise unfortunately. It might be that with some non-Wiki allowed gear (STMRs for LB Damage boost, etc) there's a slightly different rotation that incorporates his LB more, but won't say much more than that.
EDIT: I've been told that when properly equipping LB Boosting Gear his LB does come into play more. Shadowwalker is in the midst of working on his Whale Gear sheet which should bring more insight as to how much it actually increases and what it does to his rotation


For as much as people like pulling for units in order to use them, some units are worth being pulled on simply for their S/TMR.
Sterne's TMR: Fated Prince: Materia - Increase ATK (50%), Increase Equipment ATK (50%) and Accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon.
As far as I can tell, the benefit of this TMR is relatively small, but does have some benefits in that it's for any weapon, and that it's a TMR. Looking at the comparable list below of Materia that grant Equipment Attack boosts, and aren't confined to a weapon type, Sterne's is one of the few TMRs, and has more ATK % boost than most:
Materia How Obtained Stats
Warrior of the Crystal STMR - Elena ATK+60%, MAG+60%, Increase eqATK (50%) when Single Wield, Increase Acc (25%) when Single Wield
Ace of Aces TMR - Tidus ATK+30%, Increase eqATK (50%) when Single Wield, Increase Acc (25%) when Single Wield
Dark Knight's Knowledge TMR- DK Luneth ATK+30%,Increase eqATK (50%) when Single Wield, Increase Acc (25%) when Single Wield, 50% Demon Killer
Dark Sword Arts STMR - DK Cecil ATK+30%,Increase eqATK (50%) when Single Wield, Increase Acc (25%) when Single Wield
Swift Hunter TMR - Nalu ATK+25%,Increase eqATK (50%) when Single Wield, Increase Acc (25%) when Single Wield
There are a handful of other Materia that give the 50% eqATK and 25% Accuracy, but they are confined to a specific weapon types like Great Swords, Katanas, Fists, and about half of them are STMRs.
But again, remember this is only a comparison I'm making to materia. There's also many different other types of equipment which have these stat boosts. It's worth having in your Inventory if you have Sterne, but I don't know if the TMR has enough value to pull him just to own it.
Sterne's STMR: Lion Armor: Light Armor - HP+434, ATK+38, DEF+38, Increase LB Damage (50%), Increase Dark Resistance (50%).
This was the piece of EQ that got a handful of members in the community talking, and it was for reasons of the LB Damage Boost being on a piece of Light Armor. As far as I can tell, it is the only Light Armor in the game that has boosts to LB Damage. In context, King Rain's Armor, is the only piece of Heavy Armor LB Dmg Boost in the game (AK Rain's TMR) and is a fairly integral piece of gearing the LB Spammers like AC Cloud and Lone Lion Squall. But there are a couple of less popular LB Spammers such as Irvine, Crown Prince Noctis, and Regina who can't equip Heavy Armor where this would come in handy for them.
Not to mention, in terms of straight ATK for a Light Armor, this is among the tops. As Passive Boosts to ATK, Materia ATK Boosts, all get higher and higher, we're seeing more of an emphasis on putting a premium on equipment with ATK moreso than ATK %. From a Light Armor, Pure ATK+ perspective, these are what's currently available, and how they stack with Sterne's:
Light Armor How Acquired ATK Other Attributes
Toy Soldier's Uniform STMR - Felix (Time Limited) ATK +45 ATK+10%, DEF+10, MAG+45,AMG+10%, SPR+10, 30% Fire/Earth Resist
Rider's Armor STMR - Fohlen ATK +40 Wind Resist 80%, DEF+14, SPR+18
Lion Armor STMR - Sterne ATK +38 HP +434, DEF +38, LB Dmg +50%, Dark Resist +50%
Raegen's Overcoat STMR - Raegan ATK +36 DEF +16, SPR+22, Increase LB Fill Rate (50%), Fire/Ice Resist 40%
Catastrophic Vest Trial ATK +30 DEF +50, SPR+30, HP+15%, Earth Resist 30%, Petrify Resist 50%
Gleaming Feather Armor Trial ATK +30 DEF +28, SPR +28, Wind Resist +50%, Increase HP/MP 15%, LB Gauge (1) per turn
After the last one, the next highest ATK drops to +20. So you can see, the Light Armor comps within the +30 ATK range have some other various benefits, and Sterne's is competitive in that it enables some type of Elemental Resistance, but if you're pulling for this Light Armor I doubt it's because of the ATK or the DEF.

Final Conclusions

Sterne definitely has some great synergies with the current top DPS, the argument always seems to come out on whether or not it's worth pulling a Time Limited Unit. Not here to make recommendations, but just put some context into things. If you look at the Comps I was saying before in the Top DPS units (WH Raegan, Noel, Mystical Lasswell, etc) they're not Time Limited, and they're all also Ice users. So in terms of uniqueness Sterne doesn't really have a lot of upside given that what he does is fairly replicateable in Units that are here to stay.
Now, more than ever, he might be a more viable for some with how many Omniprisms we've gotten, that with some RNG you might be able to get him with relative ease, or at the very least at a maximum of 24K Lapis (since you can guarantee one of him on either banner) and get him to 7-Star with the Omni.
He's IMO valuable in how easily he can 120% Ice/Dark Imperil, along with some of the niche value he gets in his TMR (being a Materia) and his STMR (LB Boosting Light Armor).
For Dark Visions, you might not see a lot of value in his innate Elemental preference of Ice/Dark, as these aren't common elements, but the 300% Self Buff might be thing that Xon users want to spread from him (in addition to general Self-Imbue and LB Gauge Fill.

Parting Thoughts

First off, hope you found some value in this kind of review. I do my best to be accurate with what I'm saying so feel free to point out mistakes and I'll edit as I can. As you can see I want this to be a more comprehensive look at the Unit overall, particularly in the context of what else there is, rather than just focusing on what they do strictly for numbers.
I'm hoping to do one for Kitone as well within the next day or two, as being a Time Limited Banner the decision to pull is of the essence.
If you have any suggestions for what else you'd like to see in a review like this, or things that you find pointless, I'll take any constructive criticism. I'm doing a lot more chatting in this post than I would going forward, mainly because I want to build up an element of rapport.
Thanks all and happy pulling!
I'll leave you with this ancient poem about RNG..
*Rain is red,
Lasswell is Blue,
It don't always be like that,
But sometimes it do.*
submitted by Willster328 to FFBraveExvius [link] [comments]

Banner Review: Sterne Leonis & Kitone (Final Fantasy WotV)

Good saturday to you and I hope you're doing fine! This week we got another two damage dealer banner and unfortunately both have similar kits as in, outside of their rotation abilities, they have more or less nothing to offer that's actually good while having different kind of builds. For the most part you can just go straight to the math section on this one. Other than that I think a bird shat at my window, which is my highlight of the day. Or downlight, depending on how you want to phrase it. No idea how that bird achieved that but good job?

Banner Review: Sterne Sterne Leonis & Kitone Kitone by Memel0rd


Sterne Sterne Leonis:

Trust Master Reward : Increase ATK (50%) Increase equipment ATK (50%) and accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
STMR : Lion Armor (Light Armor) - 434 HP, 38 ATK/DEF, 50% LB damage


Leonis more like buffed up FF2 Leon. Does remind me a lot of him and Leonis tries to have minor dark knight traits in his kit.
Sterne Leonis has great base stats with high HP, ATK and DEF as well as good SPR and even better passives. 190% ATK and 250% TDH with no weapon condition. Due to his equipment selection we can actually use two-handed Axes on him and luckily there's a trial 165 two-handed Axe available! The axe also grants 75% stone killer. His bulk is alright, could definitely be a lot better for a TDH unit. 60% HP, 40% DEF and 50% SPR? Luckily he gets to the TDH cap extremely quickly and doesn't need to build for LB damage, so it's not as bad as some other TDH units. He comes with a mere blind and confusion resistance, but makes it up through his innate 150% human killer, which is one of the most common enemy types. Especially in Dark Visions.
If you get lucky, Sterne Leonis' damage can be upped by a decent amount as he has a 40% chance to counter any attack with a 500% modifier boost to Hyoton and Hazard Spin, which are two of the three chains we're using in the rotation. The modifier boost also lasts 4 turns, so if the enemy actually has the chance to hit back and hits him 2-3 times, you have a good chance of maintaining these buffs the whole fight.
Sterne Leonis can W-/T-Cast all of his abilities but a lot of his abilities that aren't used in the rotation are just not good and are simply there to fill his kit. For example, Paralyzing Edge and Shadowbind are really weak ST finishers that apply 40% paralyze or stop. Who needs that? A 540% finisher with a 1000% DoT for 4 turns, why would you want to use that? Or a 1400% finisher that fills 5 LB orbs when we don't even use his LB?
The only one really worth mentioning is Grim Reaper. Not because of the 50% death, but because it is a slighter weaker version of Hazard Spin but is a ST chain instead of AoE. Both are even AMoE! They have a 30% modifier difference, which is neglectable, but the option in DV to first AoE chain and then go into ST ones or stick to ST only can be very important. By that we also cover Hazard Spin, which does deal 5% self-damage and can inflict blind, but eh.
Through Hyoton and Anton, Sterne Leonis has the option to imbue either dark or ice while also chaining and imbuing. The modifier itself isn't too bad even with 2550%, which is one of the stronger imbues, and the 100% imperil will even come in handy early on.
That is until we use one of his CD abilities: Hazard Break! Hazard Break is available at Turn 2 and has an effective 7200% backloaded modifier that also imperils ice and dark by 120% for effectively 3 turns, which is neat. It's a ST chain so you can either start with Hazard Spin in DV and then transition into Hazard Break or simply use Grim Reaper alongside it. In this case you deal 10% HP to yourself. With two Hazard Spins you'll proc the upgraded Limit Burst, but the LB is a 6 hitter that doesn't properly chain and would have to be LB capped. If you can pull it off, it is a damage boost, but not a massive one. For LB team comps this does have some merrit, but likely requires a lot of support due to costing 42 crysts and he'd lose out on a lot of damage by using his LB fill abilities over damage.
Though if Sterne Leonis dies, his Limit Burst can grant him back the lost T-Cast.
Lastly his second CD, Self-Sacrifice. Available at Turn 1 with a 5 turn cooldown and having a 4 turn 300% ATK boost, we naturally want to use this every single time we can. It also grants us T-Cast for the next 4 turns. This means we will have one turn without the ATK buff and one turn without T-Cast, which isn't a huge damage loss. The self 1 turn 15% DEF break is almost irrelevant. At max stats, assuming you do not have break immunity, you'll lose roughly 37 DEF. Could be worse.

How does he fare in the meta?

Sterne Leonis, after Rico who can be unreliable in Dark Visions, has the second highest average physical damage while also having high damage output early on.
One mediocre turn of setting up into one of his highest bursts and then consecutively high damage turns isn't half bad, but for Dark Visions rankings can be a worse option than Noel or WH Raegen due to their significantly higher bursts on Turn 4 respectively.
The small damage difference between Sterne Leonis and the other two contenders, Noel and WH Raegen, is most likely going to diminish once you gear for killers as Sterne Leonis has the natural disadvantage as a TDH unit and only a slight headstart in damage.
Despite the on-paper lead in damage I wouldn't place Leonis above the two TDW boys. Against human enemies though that's a different story as having 150% innate human killer is amazing and makes gearing a lot easier. You can use the free materia slot for more damage or more bulk, give him that sweet Diablos to get to a 275% killer and call it a day. Though in terms of pure burst he'd still lose out.
A fine damage dealer that sadly isn't too interesting as a collaboration unit. Would have expected a bit more quite honestly.
Awesome TMR and STMR though. 50% ATK/TDH with no conditions is a good step up from let's say Starplayer Tidus. And his STMR directly outclasses AK Rain's TMR. Which had to happen at some point. 38 ATK on a light armor is good, 50% LB damage is even better.

Build + Maths:

Sterne Leonis Damage Build: https://ffbeEquip.com/builder.html?server=GL#5b670e40-bdcc-11ea-8219-c768f320c4e6
Realistic Build: https://ffbeEquip.com/builder.html?server=GL#9b3d5f10-bdcc-11ea-8219-c768f320c4e6

Sterne Leonis Damage ATK post 300% buff: 3571 ATK post 150% buff: 3160 Assuming spark chains Rotation: Turn 1: Self-Sacrifice + Hyoton + Hazard Spin Turn 2: Hazard Break + Hazard Spin x2 Turn 3: Hazard Spin x3 Turn 4: Hazard Break + Hazard Spin x2 Turn 5: Hyoton + Hazard Spin x2 Turn 6: Self-Sacrifice + Hazard Break Turn 7: Hazard Spin x3 Turn 8: Hazard Break + Hazard Spin x2 Turn 9: Hyoton + Hazard Spin x2 Turn 10: Hazard Break + Hazard Spin x2 Turn 1: [ 3571^2 x 25.5 x 3.445 x 1.5 + 3571^2 x 43.3 x 4 x 2 ] x 1.5 = 9146489077 Turn 2: [ 3571^2 x ( 17 x 3.223 + 55 x 4 ) x 2.1 + ( 3571^2 x 43.3 x 2 x 4 ) x 2.2 ] x 1.5 = 25615173317 Turn 3: [ 3571^2 x ( 16 x 3.223 + 27.3 x 4 ) + 3571^2 x 43.3 x 2 x 4 ] x 2.2 x 1.5 = 21342509528 Turn 4: [ 3571^2 x ( 17 x 3.223 + 55 x 4 ) + 3571^2 x 43.3 x 2 x 4 ] x 2.2 x 1.5 = 26140795232 Turn 5: [ 3160^2 x 25.5 x 3.445 + 3160^2 x 43.3 x 2 x 4 ] x 2.2 x 1.5 = 14309532058 Turn 6: 3571^2 x ( 17 x 3.223 + 55 x 4 ) x 2.2 x 1.5 = 11563682124 Turn 7: [ 3571^2 x ( 16 x 3.223 + 27.3 x 4 ) + 3571^2 x 43.3 x 2 x 4 ] x 2.2 x 1.5 = 21342509528 Turn 8: [ 3571^2 x ( 17 x 3.223 + 55 x 4 ) + 3571^2 x 43.3 x 2 x 4 ] x 2.2 x 1.5 = 26140795232 Turn 9: [ 3571^2 x 25.5 x 3.445 + 3571^2 x 43.3 x 2 x 4 ] x 2.2 x 1.5 = 18273888349 Turn 10: [ 3160^2 x ( 17 x 3.223 + 55 x 4 ) + 3160^2 x 43.3 x 2 x 4 ] x 2.2 x 1.5 = 20469784003 Average Turn 1-10: 19,434,515,844 -> 133% of Lone Lion Squall's damage ( 14,651,237,231 ) -> 120% of Tifa (FFVII: AC)'s damage ( 16,151,778,045 ) -> 113% of Mystical Ice Lasswell's damage ( 17,244,208,639 ) -> 107% of Noel's damage ( 18,233,059,108 ) -> 104% of War Hero Raegen's damage ( 18,734,988,296 ) 
Character Design: 5/10 Sprite: 9.5/10 Chainer: 9/10 Trust Master Reward: 9.5/10 STMR: 9/10 Arena: 7.5/10 Limit Burst: 7.5/10 Future Proof: 7.5/10 Free 2 Play: 9/10 Pay 2 Play: 7.5/10 Personal Rating: 8.5/10 Optimal Rating: 8/10

Kitone Kitone:

Trust Master Reward : Saiga Gauntlet (Accessory) - 142 HP, 43 ATK, 26 DEF, 20% Phys Evasion
STMR : Night-Blooming Flower (Materia) - Increase ATK (70%) Increase equipment ATK (25%) when dual wielding Increase lightning resistance (60%)


Kitone is way too similar to Sterne Leonis despite being a TDW unit. Unfortunately they both have the same vibe of having too many filler abilities. And it bothers me, try to make these more interesting. Make them diverse so that you WANT to use them. I'll give a few examples in a bit how you could make them more interesting.
Firstly her base stats. Kitone on the first glance is similar to Sterne Leonis, but also has very high MAG and has an even split in pots. So you can get a decent amount of MAG on Kitone. Now, I know she's a Ninja unit, which in the past wanted ATK and MAG due to being hybrid. But she has NO MAG or Hybrid scaling ability. Why would you waste 90% MAG and an even pot split on her for that? She has no spells, no hybrid / MAG abilities and her LB is phys, too. An unnecessary design flaw that adds less than nothing. Excuse my little rant, other than that with an innate 150% TDW and 160% ATK she's fine but could've been better. Her bulk, despite being a TDW unit, leaves a lot to desire in comparison to others. 50% HP, 40% DEF and 20% SPR with no guts passive and only 20% phys evasion is pretty low. Manageable? Sure. Kitone is resistant against poison, confusion, petrification and stop, which is pretty good while also having 30% fire / earth resistance and a 50% demon / human killer. Definitely nothing to rant about here!
Kitone can W-/T-Cast all of her abilities. Now, to the abilities: Let's take Utusemi for example. A self 3x mirage stack. Perhaps for thresholds okay, but there are other ways around for that. More interestingly would've been an AoE mirage stack on an actually strong chainer! Or any of her three DoTs. With the highest DoT she has, a 3000% modifier, it's not too horrible but they don't chain. If these DoTs chained, she would've likely used them but sadly they don't. And then she has a ST 80% stop and a self 5 LB fill, which do nothing. The only reason to use her LB would be for a self 100% demon / human killer buff. With 36 crysts it's not easy to fill but also not a milestone that you have to achieve.
Her imbues are the same as Sterne Leonis' with different elements: Fire and Earth. The modifiers after passives go up to a 1980% modifier BUT be careful! The fire imbue is Stardust Ray and the earth one AMoE. Doesn't matter if you're using dupes, but in case you don't...
Now, Kitone has two main chaining abilities. Behold: Dream Within a Dream+ and.... Dream Within a Dream++. There's no normal version. They only differ in their chaining family: AMoE and Stardust Ray. In this case, SR is slightly better due to having 2 more hits. The chain is split in 3 parts. Through passives and our CD ability, we can get up to a 5900% modifier per cast. Alongside TDW and the 6x chain cap that's not bad.
In terms of buffing up, Kitone has a very similar ability as Sterne Leonis: Speed Cast. Available at Turn 1 with a 5 Turn cooldown, a self 4 turn 250% ATK buff and T-Cast for the upcoming 4 turns. Thus the gap without either is the same as Leonis.
Decider of Fate is Kitone's way to get that sweet 120% double imperil. Available at Turn 1 with a 5 turn cooldown as well, you get an effective 120% imperil for 5 turns, thus 100% uptime without any dispels. More importantly, you also gain a 500% modifier boost on both Dream Within chains, which is an effective 1500% modifier gain. You'll only have one turn without that buff unless you die.

How does she fare in the meta?

Kitone is in pretty much the same boat as Sterne Leonis but has the TDW advantage.
Her damage is slightly lower than Leonis but the same concept: One turn of set up and then consecutive high damage. All the arguments used for Leonis can be made for Kitone as well with the only difference that she has TDW instead of TDH, making it easier to stack killers without losing much damage.
Her 50% innate demon / human killer and access to demon / human killer buff can make her pretty strong in DV, but is missing the burst damage to outperform Noel and WH Raegen.
Thus I'd say that Kitone is better than Sterne Leonis but still not better than WH Raegen nor Noel.
Kitone's TMR is in many situations a worse version of Rico's. Unless you do not care about the ATK gain and do not need the extra 5% evasion, which is rare for non-STMR evasion builds to just pass up on 5% evasion. Her STMR is also a downgrade in most cases from Riku or Sora as it grants 70% ATK and 25% TDW. If you have a unit with 25% or 75% TDW, it can be better due to the 60% lightning resistance but even then, the resistance gain isn't guaranteed to be useful. If you get the STMR, it's good, 70% ATK just like that isn't bad, but you likely won't see it in the optimised whale builds.

Build + Maths:

Kitone Damage Build: https://ffbeEquip.com/builder.html?server=GL#67399b90-bdcf-11ea-8219-c768f320c4e6
Realistic Build: https://ffbeEquip.com/builder.html?server=GL#cb1e4520-bdcf-11ea-8219-c768f320c4e6

Kitone Damage ATK post 250% buff: 3405 RH ATK post 150% buff: 3148 RH Assuming spark chains Rotation: Turn 1: Speed Cast + Decider of Fate + Katon Turn 2: Dream within a Dream+ x3 Turn 3: Dream within a Dream+ x3 Turn 4: Dream within a Dream+ x3 Turn 5: Katon + Dream within a Dream+ x2 Turn 6: Speed Cast + Decider of Fate Turn 7: Dream within a Dream+ x3 Turn 8: Dream within a Dream+ x3 Turn 9: Katon + Dream within a Dream+ x2 Turn 10: Dream within a Dream+ x3 Turn 1: 3405^2 x 19.8 x 5.5575 x 2.2 = 2806736063 Turn 2: [ 3405^2 x ( 24 x 4.19 + 35 x 6 ) + 3405^2 x 59 x 2 x 6 ] x 2.2 = 25980262228 Turn 3: [ 3405^2 x ( 24 x 4.19 + 35 x 6 ) + 3405^2 x 59 x 2 x 6 ] x 2.2 = 25980262228 Turn 4: [ 3405^2 x ( 24 x 4.19 + 35 x 6 ) + 3405^2 x 59 x 2 x 6 ] x 2.2 = 25980262228 Turn 5: [ 3148^2 x 19.8 x 5.5575 + 3148^2 x 44 x 2 x 6 ] x 2.2 = 13910380623 Turn 6: 0 + 0 / 0 = 0.00 Turn 7: [ 3405^2 x ( 24 x 4.19 + 35 x 6 ) + 3405^2 x 59 x 2 x 6 ] x 2.2 = 25980262228 Turn 8: [ 3405^2 x ( 24 x 4.19 + 35 x 6 ) + 3405^2 x 59 x 2 x 6 ] x 2.2 = 25980262228 Turn 9: [ 3405^2 x 19.8 x 5.5575 + 3405^2 x 59 x 2 x 6 ] x 2.2 = 20865589403 Turn 10: [ 3148^2 x ( 14 x 4.19 + 30 x 6 ) + 3148^2 x 44 x 2 x 6 ] x 2.2 = 16714559401 Average Turn 1-10: 18,419,857,663 -> 114% of Tifa (FFVII: AC)'s damage ( 16,151,778,045 ) -> 107% of Mystical Ice Lasswell's damage ( 17,244,208,639 ) -> 100% of Noel's damage ( 18,233,059,108 ) -> 98% of War Hero Raegen's damage ( 18,734,988,296 ) -> 95% of Sterne Leonis' damage ( 19,434,515,844 ) 
Character Design: 5/10 Sprite: 7/10 Chainer: 9/10 Trust Master Reward: 8.5/10 STMR: 8/10 Arena: 8/10 Limit Burst: 7/10 Future Proof: 7.5/10 Free 2 Play: 9/10 Pay 2 Play: 8/10 Personal Rating: 8/10 Optimal Rating: 8.5/10


Strong units just nothing new to see here.

Sterne Leonis and Kitone are very similar to each other down to the point where you could say that only their builds differ. In terms of actual performance they are almost the same unit with some tiny differences, which is not what you want to see for a collaboration banner. For Dark Visions both are good but not the best possible choices, but at the same time not all players have all choices open, so there's that! Both would prefer to have more bulk, especially Kitone as a TDW unit, while neither have a guts passive, so you could potentially run into some trouble. If you don't care too much about damage dealers, this is an easy skip. Perhaps try to get one Leonis for that sweet TDH TMR.
Have a pleasant weekend!

Memel0rd out

submitted by Memel0rdFFBE to FFBraveExvius [link] [comments]

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